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The anthem of real ruzzia

·4 mins
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If you’re happen to understand russian language, by some chance, here is the idea.

This Soviet song:

У Курськааагааа ваааакзалаааа
стаю я малаааадоооой…

Should become the real anthem of real ruzzia.

The Song

If you’re a happier human being that does not actually know this pathetic language (and possibly gives zero fucks about it), let me exaplain the idea.

That’s some soviet song of their cinematograph. The cinematograph that is full of bullshittery propaganda of ruzzian greatness in the whole universe, not to say this small planet of ours.

The song is from 1973, according to my quick google-fu. I’ve never seen the movie, but this shit is so popular among those who russia forced ruzzian language upon, that even I know that song. And I was quite happy to avoid most of this ruzzian culture, even as I’ve spent some of my childhood there, and then in the ruzzian puppet state, Belarus. Many Russian-speaking people would know this song, even when they didn’t watch the film.

If translated, it would sound like:

I’m staying before the railway station,
so yooooouuuunnnnng…

The next lines are more vocal, the person singing is asking for alms, a handout. But the context is also telling, even more than that.

The person singing is a waif. A homeless child. A besprizornik. He stays before the railway station, which is usually a place of many poor person.

Russian Survivor

My experience of ruzzia is that those places are the most dangerous ones, money-wise. If you’re a foreigner, you’re almost guaranteed to be robbed while at ruzzia’s railway station.

Once, while visiting their Three Station Square, I’ve been treated with (very minor) violence by some group of local teenagers. I wasn’t much older, but came from France, and looked like a French man. I managed to calm them down a bit, they got curious about France, and we managed to have some very interesting conversation while I was waiting for my train to arrive.

When I was visiting ruzzia, I looked like a foreigner. Well, which I am, even despite I know Moscow very well. I’m constantly surprised by the surroundings, usually very pathetic one. Ruzzians, especially Muscovites are like ‘meh, booooorriiing, nothing special’, they wear that look all the time.

The conversation is worthy of its own story. But in a few words, the group’s leader, an agressively looking bull, after my replies in Russian calmed down significantly and started politely asking me about where I’m from. Then he got curious about France, and started asking some things. I’ve been sitting in a cafe, so we were sitting and talking about things. In short, I told him what I was thinking about. That russia is a shit-hole and the EU (it’s called just Europe in Russia) is a much better place. No sane Russian would be against that thesis, by the way. Even this guy wasn’t arguing. By the end of our conversation, he told something like:

well, this quality of life thing is all good. But if there’s a war, I know I’ll survive it1. Will you?

Meaning me as not me-personally-me, but me-as-a-european-me. It was the year 2012, December. It was actually before the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine. Before the Yanukovich’s pathetic escape. Before they attacked Ukraine in 2014, before they annexed Crimea. That’s a random local dude in Moscow I’ve been interacting with for like 15 minutes.

The Country of Besprizorniks

But let’s get back to those railway stations and the pathetic songs from Russia. The boy, the waif, he sings that he’s before the railway station and he’s asking for a handout. A generous handout, to be precise, a golden Chervonets.

Those homeless kids culture is a huge plast of ruzzian culture. E.g. see The Republic of ShKID, a book about the russian homeless kids, written by homeless kids.

I’d read the book when I was an elementary school kid and then I couldn’t understand many concepts. Some of them were quite familiar though.

It would be so great to add some infographics about the current development of human capital in ruzzia, so for a foreigner would understand the context even more. But in short, it’s shit. As everything ruzzia I’m telling you without any infographics.

The current anthem of ruzzia is some imperialistic manifesto on how great their coutry is. Literally, it is. It suits them very well, as ruzzia indeed a huge country that enslaved many other nations. It has its second meaning too. The typical ruzzian one: the lies behind. This anthem is all about lies. They boast how huge their territory is, because in human capital thing they’re the smallest country. There’s no development. This besprizornik represents ruzzia very well.

Падааайтііііі хріііістааааа рааааааадіііііііііііі чііііірвоніііііць

That’s what the real ruzzia is. For centuries.

  1. He meant he’ll survive the war, because not many things would change. They live in shit. Bombarded Mariupol is a typical Russia, without any bombardments. They just don’t develop anything. Their cities rot, and war or no war, there’s no difference in ruzzia. ↩︎

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